Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pose Fair!!

With over 60 vendors that are all about poses - you are bound to find something amazing at this year's Pose Fair - even if you weren't looking! It started just yesterday and will run 'til April 14th (only 2 weeks!). Poses are really so much fun because it's not limited to single static poses - nope! There's friend poses, couples poses and most come with props, like these ones from Elephante Poses:

1. "Call Me Maybe" ... This is a fun, playful set, it comes with 6 poses centered around, what else - a mesh celly! 
2. "Leaving Through the Window" ...this is an art/photo lovers pick I'm sure! It lets you be more creative with people wondering why they didn't think of creating something like this already! The window frame is color-changeable (script driven). There's also 8 poses scripted in it, too!
window pose fair final Pose Fair Fun Prev 2final 
These are just a preview..Of course, Elephante's friend poses are also fun - made for 2 avatars at a time, and they can work for either males or females. The couple poses are more intimate - so if you're looking to get closer to your special someone, then definitely check them out!

xoxoTekila V.

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